"Poems stir us, encourage us to wake, breathe deeply and experience life! Poems are alive. They hold energy. You can discover this life and energy in your words, in the cadence of your voice, and the feeling inside your body upon reading a poem. There are indeed hints inside of poems that become available to you as you write and hear them.
What poems offer relates not only to the present moment, but may come as messengers from the past and clues important for your future messages for you and for humanity. Poetry joins the personal with the universal.
Writing allows us to discover how vulnerabilities and strengths can co-exist, even thrive together. Poems can reveal deep insight and compassion. They can give voice to what is raw and wounded in your life and that honesty, creatively expressed and explored, can bolster and guide you through rough times. Your writing can transform you at profound levels."
You didn't think I'd make you read all that without a picture, did you? These are the totally awesome Miz Mooz boots I just received in the mail yesterday!! I drove home from the post office wearing one boot and one sandal:) It was, of course, too hot to wear both boots.
Okay, back on topic - I'm hoping the above quotation (or my boots) might inspire you to think about taking a few moments to either read a poem (call numbers start around 811 down from the pink flowers on the file cabinet) or write one of your own. Do it in your journal, or if you feel like sharing you know I am always SO happy to receive anything in my comments!!!
Mrs.C :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't write this, but found it and laughed.
I can’t go to school because I am sick
If I walk out my house I’ll get hit by a brick
I can’t go to school because I’m afraid
On my way there I might get run over by a huge parade
I can’t go to school because I have a funereal to attend
School uniforms just aren’t the new trend
I can’t go to school because I woke up late
I broke my thumb while learning how to skate
I can’t go to school because I feel a little blue
My brother stuck my hands together with super glue
I can’t go to school because school is boring
I wonder what excuses I’ll have tomorrow morning
- haha from the reason you had to bring games and puzzles and playdough to IP 10 spares
Thanks for your contribution to Poetry Month;) At least you're reading it, even if you're not writing it yourself! And I will keep making you playdough for as long as you need to keep your hands and mind occupied:)