Thursday, June 10, 2010

Keep bringing in those books...and some mushy stuff

Yes, I will be nagging all of you about returning your books from now until I see the back of your backpacks leaving through the hedges for the last time this year.  PLEASE bring my babies back to me.  They want to come home to their cosy shelves for the summer and they will be waiting for you again in the fall.  I promise.  That's how libraries work if we all co-operate.  To the young reprobate who made off with the B volume of the World Book Encyclopedia last fall:  now would be an awesome time to discreetly return it to the shelf, or even just leave it lying around your classroom where it can be found and turned in.
Now, on to the kind of mushy stuff.  I came across one of those books published by Blue Mountain Arts, called Required Reading for All Teenagers it's written by Douglas Pagels and full of  kind of inspirational blurbs.  So one of them in particular seemed appropriate for this time of year as we approach Grad, goodbyes for some friends and new beginnings.  Here is what the author wrote (and what I as a Mom and your librarian totally agree with):
Words to Help You Be Strong Along the Path of Life:
I  can barely begin to tell you of all my wishes for you.  There are so many of them, and I want them all to come true.  I want you to use your heart as a compass as you grow and find your way in the world, but I want you to always have an appreciation for the direction of home.  I want you to have self-esteem and self-confidence and to be self-sufficient, but also to be safe and smart and cautious.  I want you to be wise beyond your years.  I don't want you to grow up too fast.  I want you to come to me with your fears.  I want the people who share your days to realize that they are in the presence of a very special someone.  You are a wonderful, rare person with no comparison.  I want you to know that opportunities will come, and you'll have many goals to achieve.  The more that obstacles get in the way of your dreams, the more you'll need to believe.  Get your feet wet with new experiences, but be sure you never get in over your head.  I want you to realize how capable you are and that your possibilites are unlimited.  I hope you never lose your childlike wonder, your delight and appreciation in interesting things.  I know you'll keep responding in a positive way to the challenges life always brings.  I want you to set the stage for living in a way that reflects good choices and a great attitude.  I want you to honor.. the wonder of you.

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