Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Christmas Carol Time!

Good luck to all of you performing in tonight's Christmas Concert!  I'm looking forward to watching the performances - Quinn tells me there's even a choir number I didn't already hear at City Hall Friday. On the Christmas theme, this video is a little blast from our family past. Quinn says she is slightly traumatized by how frequently the Jingle Cats cassette tape was played (by me) at Christmas time in our household. It is, in fact, playing in the background of most of our home videos of her childhood. Anyway, here's a little clip for nostalgia's sake.

We did receive a few new books in the library thanks to Sr. Zelie's Scholastic "bonus points," so be sure to check out the display shelves as I'll be displaying them this week.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Get Christmas Crafty

For those of you who enjoy making some of your own Christmas gifts, here is another pretty cool idea I came across on the Martha Stewart website. This woman has also published a book called
P.S. I Made This with lots of other easy ideas to try your hand at.  She also makes those recycled t-shirt scarves I posted a link to in a previous post.  So if you are short on cash you can still get busy and make some really cute gifts!

Or you can make the easiest scarf EVER!  And it's cute - and she even has one for her dog!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Giving thanks!

A few weeks ago, I was the recipient of a beautiful shoe ornament left by an anonymous person on my desk.  By the tone of the lovely note accompanying it, I strongly suspect Sister Mary although she has still not confessed.  Anyway, thank you to my secret Santa and to all of you who leave me such uplifting notes and treats throughout the year - they are appreciated!  Here is my new ornament on the Christmas tree:

And I just have to show all of you the gorgeous fan Nanami gave me on my birthday!  (Although I think I have it backwards now that I look at the photo).  Of course I had to pose it with shoes :)   Thank you for your thoughtfulness and the letter.  Senior Book Club - the surprise birthday party was awesome!  Harshina, that ice cream that's not really ice cream is delicious!  Thank you for all of the trouble you went to celebrate me getting even older!  Rebecca and Nicole - I am still enjoying the flowers; Nicole and Cassidy, the chocolate was great - and all of the rest of you who made my day special - a huge thank-you!